Local government groups form the ‘Missouri Local Leaders Project’

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – In an effort to better target their combined influence in Jefferson City, group of local government groups on Thursday announced the formation of a new organization, “The Missouri Local Leaders Project.

The group includes The Missouri Municipal League, the Missouri Association of Counties and the Missouri School Boards’ Association, said Scott Charton, a group spokesman.

“Together, the Missouri Local Leaders Partnership is a powerful united voice of elected local leaders closest to the communities where Missourians live, work, raise families and contribute to our state’s progress and quality of life,” he said, adding that the group was “built on support of common priorities and principles that together provide a constructive vision for the communities served by our thousands of elected members statewide.”

The first measure it will support is Senate Bill 15, sponsored by state Senator Bob Dixon, a Republican of Springfield. The measure would create a state tax study commission.

Charton said the group is working on efforts to support “strong local decision-making authority and accountability; promote “sound economic policies at all levels of Missouri government,” support community development and public safety measures.

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