Nixon has “profound concerns” about impact of 72-hour waiting period for abortion

Nixon, Kinder, Jones (r-l), Tim Bommel, Mo-1. House Communications
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Hours after the legislature sent him legislation that would triple the state’s current 24-hour waiting period for abortion, Democratic Gov. Jay Nixon said he was concerned with the bill’s lack of an exemption for victims of rape and incest.

“House Bill 1307 will get the same comprehensive review given to all bills that reach my desk. However, it is clear that by failing to include an exception for rape and incest, this extreme proposal would separate Missouri from all but one other state in the nation,” he said. “I have profound concerns about its impact on women and especially the victims of these heinous crimes.”

Nixon has let four other abortion bills to go into law without his signature. But last year, he vetoed a measure that would allow businesses to deny insurance coverage to contraception based on moral grounds. He refused to weigh in on Tuesday, prior to a final House vote on the measure.

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