McCaskill undecided on anti-piracy legislation

(Getty Images via Daylife)

— As early supporters of pending anti-piracy legislation flaked on Wednesday following heavy push back online, Sen. Claire McCaskill, D., is apparently still undecided.

According to her office, McCaskill is evaluating the various pieces of legislation, including the “Stop Online Piracy Act” and “Protect IP,” as provisions of the legislation are in flux.

“While Claire wants to make sure we can catch the frauds and cheats, she also has real concerns about limiting the freedom of the Internet,” McCaskill spokesman John LaBombard told PoliticMo. “She will continue to evaluate as the provisions are finalized.”

McCaskill’s political opponents, Republican U.S. Senate candidates Sarah Steelman and John Brunner, both announced their opposition to the legislation on Wednesday.

Sen. Roy Blunt, R., an original cosponsor of “Protect IP,” announced early Wednesday that he wiill no longer support the bill moving forward.

“I continue to believe that we can come to a solution that will cut off the revenue sources for foreign websites dedicated to counterfeiting and piracy that steal American jobs, hurt the economy, and harm consumers,” Blunt said. “But the Protect IP Act is flawed as it stands today, and I cannot support it moving forward.”

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