INDEPENDENCE, Mo. — With disproportional share payments gone upon enactment of the federal health care law, some in the Missouri health care industry are concerned about the future of their financial stability if state lawmakers reject funds for Medicaid expansion.…
Op-ed: Jane Cunningham opposes raising federal cigarette tax
by Eli Yokley •
ST. LOUIS, Mo. — “On June 27, U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan visited St. Louis with U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius to address the Education Commission of the States’ National Forum on Education Policy. They…
General Assembly
House backs down from subpoenas of Nixon administration
by Eli Yokley •
— House Speaker Tim Jones has withdrawn his subpoenas of top members of Gov. Jay Nixon’s administration, ending a potential legal battle between the two branches as the political battle over Nixon’s administration’s former document scanning process continues to crawl…
Nixon vetoes bill aimed at nullifying some federal gun laws
by Eli Yokley •
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — Friday was a bittersweet day for the Missouri gun lobby, as Gov. Jay Nixon vetoed one of their priority bills while signing another. Nixon vetoed legislation championed by Speaker Tim Jones that would have made it…
By the numbers: Top high-dollar earners in second quarter
by Eli Yokley •
— Missouri political campaign committees filed the last of their second quarter 48-hour reports of contributions of more than $5,000 earlier this week, but who were the top earners of big donor cash? According to a PoliticMo analysis, they include:…
Executive Branch
Nixon flips “privacy” rhetoric on GOP in workers’ compensation bill veto
by Eli Yokley •
– Gov. Jay Nixon vetoed a workers’ compensation bill on Tuesday that he said would have “invaded Missourians’ privacy, required creation of new government database.” The rhetoric came in the midst of a battle between Nixon and a Republican-led opposition…